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HomeNewsCOVID ReOpening Information

COVID ReOpening Information

A Step Beyond (ASB) will launch its fall programming on Monday, September 21st, 2020. ASB will host classes online through Zoom and based on State guidelines, limit our on-campus activities. As ASB prepares to reopen, we do so with precaution and by using some of the best practices available. We are using guidelines provided by the State of California, San Diego County, and Bioprep Solutions. Bioprep Solutions is a public health solutions organization. They are professionals in their field and developed many of the safety operations and protocols to safely reopen ASB. The following information guides our on-campus activities.

ASB cares about the safety of our students, parents, staff, and volunteers. While all classes are available online, select students who are ready to return will have the option to take classes on campus. Students planning to attend on campus are required to:
• Have no symptoms of COVID-19
• Wear a face mask at all times
• Practice good hygiene
• Maintain social distancing
• Take Bioprep’s Student Training course
• Follow staff instruction

ASB is doing our best to provide students with an enjoyable and safe experience for dance, academics, and family services. The above requirements will be taken seriously and enforced at ASB without exemption. The same is required of our staff.

Classes will be scheduled in intervals to reduce the number of students on campus at any one time. There will be a 30-minute gap between classes so that studios and our dance floors can be sanitized, and steam cleaned. Studio doors will remain open during operation. Also, some activities will be held outdoors.

Check-in will occur outside the gates of ASB.

Students and their parent or guardian will line up against the mural in a socially distanced manner. The floor will be marked with tape every 10 feet. ASB students/parent guardians are expected to respect the social distancing space gap as they make their way to the front of the line to check in to ASB.

The check-in canopy station will provide students with disinfectant, disposable gloves, and additional face masks. If students do not have symptoms of COVID-19 and their temperature is under 100 degrees, they will be allowed in the gate and participate. ASB will be using a touchless thermometer to take student’s temperature. Students that enter the space will be directed to the appropriate studio or facility.

Maintaining traffic flow in a single direction is crucial. Entrance to our studios will be from the Dave Langlois Building side and the exit is from the Museum Library side. In an effort to maintain socially distanced traffic flowing in a single direction, students who use the Museum Library or MakerSpace are to walk past the studios and into the gate by the MakerSpace.

Parents/guardians are allowed into the facility only in an emergency situation. Parents can log into Zoom to view their student’s class and may wait for them at the park or parking lot. We ask that parents who are waiting for their students by campus also observe social distancing and the wearing of a nose and mouth covering.

Students in a dance class who need to use the restroom facilities will exit the studio and use the Museum Library bathroom. We ask that students wash their hands following the health department’s recommendation to scrub with soap and water for twenty-seconds before returning to class.

To return to class, students would follow the flow of traffic and loop to the dance classroom through the fenced-in section next to studio four.

Students leaving the facilities will do so through the side gate between studio four and the Museum Library. Students leaving dance studios will do so from the doors facing the Museum Library. Traffic flow from the dance studios can wrap around the back hallway of the Museum Library if needed. We ask that parents do not crowd the exit as they pick up their student.

ASB will provide weekly updates to students and parents via email on these safety protocols. Additionally, ASB will post any new updates or changes to our reopening plan to our website.

Despite the precautions, there is an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 by attending ASB on campus. In the situation of an outbreak at ASB, operations will immediately move online, and parents will be notified via email and groupcast. ASB will follow San Diego County’s reopening procedures, deep clean the facilities, and reopen when instructed.

If you attended programs on campus and your child or someone in your household contracted or tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you immediately report this information to a staff member, specifically, Josue Cortes at jcortes@a-step-beyond.org, or via phone at (760) 670-3072.

Thank you for your support, flexibility, and commitment to these safety protocols. These times require us all to be cautious, sensitive, and adaptable. Please note that these plans may change at any time and classes may shift online. ASB’s top priority continues to be the safety of our students, parents, staff, volunteers, and donors.

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